

5. Mechanisation Credit (MechC) Scheme: Are you aware?

Do you know? The Building and Construction Authority (BCA) of Singapore has the Mechanisation Credit (MechC) Scheme in place to help defray the cost of technology adoption by businesses like you to improve productivity for your construction projects.


If you are not aware, it’s still not too late to check them out and apply now.


Here’s the excerpt taken from the official BCA site for the MechC Scheme:


What is it?


The Mechanisation Credit (MechC) scheme helps to defray the cost incurred in technology adoption by companies to improve productivity for their construction projects.


Who is it for?


A contractor, specialist contractor or subcontractor firm incorporated and operating in Singapore will be eligible.


What is it for?


The Mechanisation Credit scheme defrays the cost of technology adoption purchasing or leasing equipment – that improves productivity by at least 20% (Standard MechC Scheme) or 30% (Enhanced MechC Scheme). The Scheme is targeted at construction firms (especially subcontractors) who are looking to using machines and equipment to improve work processes.


How much?


Depending on the impact to the project and the productivity improvement, the funding support is as shown below:


MechC Scheme
MechC Scheme*
For Purchase of Equipment Equipment cost < $100,000, grant up to 50% or capped at $20,000. Equipment cost < $125,000, grant up to 70% or capped at $25,000.
Equipment cost > $100,000, grant up to 20% or capped at $100,000. Equipment cost > $125,000, grant up to 20% or capped at $100,000.
For Leasing of Equipment For leasing cost < $30,000, grant up to 50% or capped at $6,000. For leasing cost < $30,000, grant up to 70% or capped at $6,000.
For leasing cost > $30,000, grant up to 20% or capped at $30,000. For leasing cost > $30,000, grant up to 20% or capped at $30,000.


*To qualify for the Enhanced MechC Scheme, please refer to the official site.


The documents required in the application & claiming process are summarized below. As this is only a summary, do remember to check out the full details on the BCA official site here.


Documents for
Application: Claiming:
Submit at least one (1) working day before the purchase/ lease After the application is approved,
a Quotation of the equipment from chosen supplier a Certificate of origin of the equipment issued by the manufacturer (purchase only)
b Technical brochure of the equipment from the chosen supplier b Invoices (proof of purchase of the equipment)
c Letter of award as proof that the applicant is a party to a construction project c Receipts (with the cheque number and invoice number)
d ACRA (Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority) d Any other supporting documents
e Documents for Enhanced MechC Scheme
f Other documents specified by BCA during the process


The Guidelines, List of Supportable Equipment and the FAQs can also be downloaded from the official site.

The process is really simple. If you have the chance to help improve productivity and at the same time, save costs for your projects, why not? Grab this chance now. If you are still unsure, feel free to contact the staff from BCA below.


Ms Ezrin Binte Raof

DID: 6804 4255

Email: Ezrin_raof@bca.gov.sg

Ms Tan Mui Kheng

DID: 6804 4257

Email: Tan_mui_kheng@bca.gov.sg


We sincerely hope your businesses will benefit from this government scheme.




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